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10 tips for beginners

Online business 10 rules.

A review of the success of "bad" can be distinguished keliata positions which I hope will help the beginner online business. Thus:

1st Copy the already established and operating issues.

If you see that man is lucky to keep doing theme, try to do as well as its own. Usually the probability that you will succeed, and almost 100%.

2nd Look for your media (distinctness, "prikolis)

Never mind that you can copy the themes, but should strive to create Anyway, find something on their own. Try advertising with other key words, change the attendance of Traffic (traffic). In short, Experiment.

3rd Look minded

None of the project does not succeed without partners or associates. It is very difficult to do this one, much easier to Seek What's a few projects with a susikoperavus, supporting one another, nor any attempt to prove that you're the best!

4th Susiplanuok scheme for obtaining money

This is the root of all online business. If you start to discuss, write, discuss or develop any theme - at once try to imagine how those topics išmelšti money. Find out what the market price, what percentage, do not forget to inquire and taxes, investigate where you prefer to open a bank account, etc.

5th Patience and work of "constant dropping wears the stone"

No need to worry right away if you nediba (failed) in one or another subject, just where did Claudio view, where prašovėte. It may also be inappropriate to choose domains, to arbitration užbanino search engines or using inappropriate identification. Consult atyrusiais more people especially if you're their referrals.

6th Try to make your own circle of users find affiletu.

Jūsu afiletai - an investment in your future. Even when you leave these people to you as profits. Afiletai usually earn about 10-20 percent of your income. Mokinkite them and give them bonuses.

7th Find out with CEO

Be sure to try to clarify the basic principles of the Internet. Web Site Promotion - one of the main sources of income for many people. Millions of dollars invested in this srytį. So the people that you attend išstudijuokite to increase traffic. Lankykite Forums "How to optimize search engines, and there uždavinėkite your questions.
Find out what is the statistical information:
Indexation in search engines
Google, Yahoo, MSN
Google, Yahoo, MSN

8th Create a network of web pages

Make sure yourself Koki 10 web page from which you profit. Do not do very much, but when you reach a certain level and if all the profits for at least a few cents you get a sum of Lita. Once each month launches a new web page, so you're not watching very attached to the search engines. If one is interested in your užbanins, do not worry ..... it's your cash is not very painful.

9th Įsiliekite to social websites

Try turning the thematic link.

10th Try to create a social site.

Search Engines - evil. At least, for many poor and portal owners. Try to be as less dependent on them. This is contained in any other way to attract visitors.

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